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OH PIC INFO £ 0.00 In stock

We do not sell PIC.

Ohio Person in Charge (PIC) Certification in Food Protection is required training for the designated person in charge for each shift of a risk level I, II, III, and IV food service operation or retail food establishment, if any of the following apply:


  • A food service operation or a retail food establishment initially licensed after March 1, 2010 unless the individual has successfully completed an equivalent or more comprehensive manager certification in food protection course (Manager Certification).
  • A food service operation or retail food establishment has been implicated in a foodborne disease outbreak.
  • The licensor has documented a failure to maintain sanitary conditions in accordance with section 3717.29 of the Revised Code for a retail food establishment or section 3717.49 of the Revised Code for a food service operation.

Note: Each risk level III and IV establishment must also have at least one certified food protection manager (M&M Biz Solutions Ohio Food Manager Certification) 

  • M&M Biz Solutions Ohio Food Manager Certification (www.mmbizsolutions.com)


We recommend you contact local health department to get your PIC certification. Many local health departments offer the PIC certification or visit Ohio Health Department and do a county search under level I. 



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