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How Does This Work?
Fly Like an Eagle Today Group (Master Mind)
Length: 8 weeks; groups may decide to run longer
Rate:$97 weekly rate = $776; up front $460 or 2 prior payments of $280 = $560
Sign: Statement of commitment of time, confidentiality and resources
Each group is made up of one Life Coach, Marshie Morgan, and 6 other people that are looking for success, accountability and self-discovery. Each will sign a statement of commitment of time, resources and confidentiality.
Why Master Mind?
If you have read Think and Grow Rich and listened to Earl Nightingale, you know how powerful a mastermind group is for your future success.
If two heads are better than one, how successful could you be if you had the life and career experience of 6 other people helping you succeed?
Each person is in your court cheering and supporting you as you grow, learn and reach your full potential. Be apart of a support team working on your behalf who abide by confidentiality and commitment to the mastermind group.
People from all over the country, with different stories, experiences and challenges commit to one hour each week to meet virtually.
Seats are limited and only serious folks need apply for a reserved seat for their specific Master Mind Group.
Who should join a Master Mind Group?
- First you have to ask yourself a question? Do you want to be better? If yes, a group will fit your needs.
- The Master Mind Groups are 4 month commitments to yourself and the group. A total of 8 meetings which are two hours long to ensure everyone has time to share. After that time, it will be decided within the group whether to do another 4 months or disband.
- Each session costs money.
- Showing up.
- Agreeing to the Master Mind group process.
Master Mind may be defined according to Napoleon Hill: "Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose."
- Brain Power - solutions and ideas to look at the issue in a new way and discover an out-of-the box solution.
- Mutual Support - a group of people who listen and understand. A Master Mind group of like minded individuals striving to become better in their personal and business lives.
- Differing Perspectives - encourage problem solving and growth.
- Resources - a built in advisory board helping you find resources you did not even know existed.
- New Learning - about latest technology, programs, trends, marketing and the list goes on.
- Accountability - stick to your promises and achieve your goals faster with your own cheering section.
- Fun - you meet new people, learn and expand your horizons while becoming better to achieve more.